Many people involved in MVA's experiencing effects such as PTSD symptoms, high stress, anxiety and fear, mood disruption, inability to manage chronic or acute pain due to the accident.

Psychology services are here to help clients in their recovery and mental well being.


Individuals involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) MAY be eligible for reimbursement of fees (under Section B of your car insurance) for Psychological Services up to 2 years after a Motor Vehicle Accident!

These can be accessed AFTER private health care benefits have been exhausted and an Explanation Of Benefits (EOB) have been provided to Healthy Minds Psychology and your car insurance agent.

If you do not have any private benefits then Section B can be accessed right away!

You will also need a referral note from a medical doctor recommending psychological services.

We will go over this process with you and answer any questions you may have!

Please inquire for more details on how to get this set up and make counselling a part of your recovery.

 Call 403-800-7139 or email.

Some more information on Section B

Section B benefits are known as “no-fault” benefits, meaning that your right to claim them does not depend on whether or not you were at fault for the automobile accident that caused your injuries. These benefits cover certain expenses related to medical treatments and disability, -including services such as psychology

The owner (typically you) of an Alberta automobile insurance policy has paid for Section B Benefits as part of their insurance premiums.

If you have an Alberta automobile insurance policy, and were injured in an automobile accident (car, truck, motorcycle, etc.), you are entitled to Section B Benefits. Your own automobile insurance company will typically, but not always, be the source of these benefits.

You may wonder if you make a health bodily injury claim if it will raise your insurance rates? This increase is usually due to the damage of the vehicle and the health injury portion is available due to provincial law so it should not make any difference to your insurance premium.